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Five String Sample Pack

Five String

is an ambitious bass guitar sample pack with the ultimate goals being versatility, Sound quality, attention to detail & realism; all whilst keeping the sample pack as light as possible. Whether you’re producing rock, pop, metal, jazz, edm or funk.... this is the bass sample pack to have in your arsenal. When using the full version of five String you have the choice of the following articulations: sustains, legato, staccato, major 3rd slides, Minor 3rd slides, half tone hammer on, full tone hammer on, half tone pull off, full tone pull off, slap sustain and finally various s/fx such as Harmonics & pluck mutes. All available through key switching or velocity choice, making it possible to play the articulations live. You can also specify between two pluck positions on the bass (neck & bridge). This is very useful for adding nuance to the performance and giving versatility to the tone you can achieve.

This virtual bass instrument is yours for free for the time being! However, I do want to add that with more financial resources I will be able to commit more towards the production of products like this. So if you try the sample pack and like it please consider donating what you thought the product was worth or what you can manage at this time. Wishing you the best of luck in your next production!

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This sample pack utilises the Linux Sampler and Gigedit to run the samples. These are third party software available to you freely. If you need support setting these up there is a tutorial available on the support page.

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